Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Field of dreams, bitches!

A pitch black expanse fills the horizon. Instantly arena lights flood a retractable-roofed baseball stadium. All along the foul areas of the baseball field are hospital beds lined up, each with someone carefully restrained down. Faint sounds of sighs and some sobs are heard throughout the stadium.

There are several jumbotrons situated from several points in the center of the arena, placed just right to allow every patient in a hospital to have a good sight of the several video feeds playing on each screen. One section of the screen has video of horses fornicating. Another section has a sock puppet plays appearing on it; the sock puppets themselves have huge enlarged phalluses dangling from their front sides. The third section has video feed has footage of a ballet performed by an all male ballet squad. The fourth section has video footage looping of an old hag on a PBS cooking show chopping a live lobster in half, right down the middle, over and over.

Suddenly, a loud whirring sound enters the arena near the edge of right field. It is a mechanical version of Bender on treads, constantly oscillating its arms up and down, up and down. Bender approaches the first bed he sees. He goes to one side of the bed, bends over, turns his head over to the patient, makes eye contact and asks, "Are you for good or awesome?" Then he erects himself upright and proceeds to the next bedside. Bender's first rounds start off going to each bed in a row. Later on, Bender would be seen randomly choosing his interrogation route pattern. Bender would never stop asking the question for the rest of the arena's history.

Out of nowhere, two large metal doors slam open near first base. Out comes running from it the male Nurse Gimps, bedecked in polished leather and kinky female nurse outfits. Each randomly picks a bed and either skips or runs to the patient. They check the feeding tube bags to see if they have their proper amount of peas in them. Catheter foley bags are checked for level of urine. And if too full, are usually emptied. Sometimes, to help with the cleansing of the patient's crimes, they dab a little of the urine all over the patient while make the sign of the cross and reciting Hail Mary.

Slowly a figured dressed in a complete black robe rises out of the pitcher's mound. He is holding a staff with an enormous dildo affixed to the top of it. Out of his dark cowl emerges a booming voice, "THAT'S IT, BITCHES!"